Intuit Alumni

Investors & landlords

No, you would need to amend 2016. Depreciation can only be claimed the year it incurs on the property. If you want to claim the depreciation for 2016, you would need to amend your 2016 return. Additionally, be aware that the IRS requires  you to recapture the depreciation when you sell the property, whether you actually took the depreciation or not. 

If you set the rental up in TurboTax last year, the program would have calculated the depreciation based on the value you gave to the building. (Land is never depreciated) The program then calculates the depreciation and enters in on the Schedule E. It is not an expense you need to enter yourself every year. 

Although depreciation is considered an operating expense, unlike an expense, depreciation lowers the value of the asset (building). When you sell the asset, you will need to subtract the depreciation taken from the basis of the property. 

CLICK HERE for TurboTax Tools and Tips about Amended Returns