Does TurboTax 2017 Deluxe include full support for investments such as stocks, bonds, and other investments that result in capital gains/losses?

Hi, I recently purchased TurboTax Deluxe 2017 and was wondering whether it includes support for investments such as stocks, bonds, and other investments subject to capital gains or losses. 

This answer seems to suggest that it is supported.

However, the case included with the retail version seems to suggest that this feature is only available with TurboTax Premier. This page seems to suggest the same, indicating that "additional help" for investment sales is provided only in the Premier version.

To what degree are investment sales supported? Am I able to import my brokerage account information or will I have to enter each security manually?

Sorry if I'm asking the same question, but I don't want to risk opening my retail package and find out that it is useless, lol.
