Level 15

Investors & landlords

Oh I'm not in disagreement with you, and owning 3 rental properties myself I know exactly where you're coming from. The issue is however, that the way the law is written and the way programming works in the technology industry, there are some things that just can't be done without bloating the program more than it presently is, thus slowing it down even more. I'm sure you'd agree that taking 10 minutes from the time I click the TTX icon on the desktop, to the time I can actually start entering data is already ridiculous as it is. With two 3.6Ghz processors and 64Gb of member, my computer isn't old and slow either.
"Maybe Inuit should give us a free copy of next year's software! "
ha ha ha! Many who have never owned or ran their own business seem to have this mistaken impression that a business is "in business" to serve their needs or provide a product or service. While that may be one of many reasons a business exists, there's only one root reason why any business is created in the first places.... "to make a profit" and that's it. If the business doesn't make profit, it lays off all employees and closes the doors.
I do find it humorous at times with some of my clients (I do networking) who think doctors and dentists are carrying all that money in wheelbarrows to the back room and dumping it in the safe. It's not at all uncommon for a medical professional to gross $100,000 a month without even trying. But what folks don't take into account is that the doctor or dentist has to pay their overhead out of that. I've done work for doctors who didn't collect their own paycheck for a month, because after paying all the bills for the month (utilities, employee payroll, drug costs, etc.) there wasn't a dime left.