Investors & landlords

To enter an investment sale other than from a brokerage account (1099-B), follow the steps below. (Schedule D, Form 8949)

  • Click on Federal Taxes (Personal using Home and Business)
  • Click on Wages and Income (Personal Income using Home and Business)
  • Click on I'll choose what I work on (if shown)
  • Under Investment Income
  • On Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Other, click the start or update button

On the next screen, click Yes

On the next screen, click No

On the next screen, choose the option that pertains to the type of investment sale you are reporting and continue with the section until it completes.

To print a certain form:

Go to Tax Tools (bottom left), and click on Print Center.

>"Print, Save or Preview this year's return"

Check the box for "2017 Returns"

Select > form 8949, include worksheets also.

>View or Print forms  Here you can view, or print the page you chose.  

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