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Investors & landlords

Unfortunately, you can't report both rental income and royalty income under the same property on Schedule E.

To resolve this, enter two separate properties (activities) under Rental Properties & Royalties.

To find this section in TurboTax, use the Search box at the top right side of the TurboTax header. Enter "schedule e", hit Enter, then click on "jump to schedule e".

Continue to the list of Rental/Royalty Properties.

Review the entries for the Royalty Property that received income on Form 1099-MISC. Be sure you checked the box for "Royalty" in the Property Profile section.

After you've completed this review, add the rental property. You can keep the same address, but enter a different property description and be sure to mark this as "Rental". See screenshot below (click to enlarge).

You can report your expenses under the Rental Property, as well as any other rental income.

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