Returning Member

Investors & landlords

Thank you Patricia. 


I'm sorry but I still don't know exactly how to handle this. Let me try and spell it out a little differently:


Home purchased 2006, converted to a rental 2010, converted back to primary residence 2024

Refi #1 2012 (original loan with GMAC and refi'd with GMAC)-TurboTax indicates I have $474 of refinance fees from prior loan (Refi cost =$807, Prior deprec = $317, $16 deprec for 2024)

Refi#2 2015 (refi'd with Capital One)-TurboTax indicates I have $1201 of refinance fees from prior loan (Refi cost = $1738, Prior deprc = $503, $34 deprec for 2024)


In both cases I have the option to choose 1. "Transfer these fees for me to Other Expenses" or  2. "I'll enter these fees on my own later/I refinanced with the same lender. 


What do I choose for Refi #1?

What do I choose for Refi#2? 

What, if anything, from refi #1 gets added to refi #2 and which of those numbers specifically gets added together?


Thank you so much for the help!  This is the first time I have gone through this process.