LLC purchased a rental property at the end of the year and didn't report it on tax return

My sole member LLC closed a deal on a rental property on 12/20/23.  When filing my tax return, I stupidly forgot to include any of the expenses that occurred during settlement, such as the prorated taxes (about $1950), settlement charges (about $5400), etc.  I did not make any mortgage payments in 2023, therefore there was no mortgage interest to deduct.  The LLC received a very small amount of income during the transfer of ownership, less than $300.  


If I want to claim those deductions, I have to file an amended return for 2023, correct?  Just because they occurred at the very end of the year doesn't mean I can tack them onto 2024?  I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this but just trying to get an experts perspective. 


Also, can I claim depreciation on the property even though I only owned it for 10 days out of the year?


Lastly, would these kinds of deductions (totaling roughly $7350) make much of a dent in an already filed federal return with an AGI of $65,000 that it would justify the time and expense of amending my 2023 return?