j g
Level 2

Investors & landlords

[quote]Rather an indirect way to provide feedback to Intuit, but I'll alert the powers-that-be to your posting.  I'm not that clear about the whole advisor thing.  Are you using TurboTax Live to prepare your taxes with the help of an Intuit employee or are you sharing your screen with an advisor of your own.  I agree that the CD route is the way to go for anything with a large number of entries and/or forms.  My own 1099-B was 170 pages and was not on the import list.  Took a lot of typing![/quote]


I've always availed of the TT advisor. Much confusion this year, 20th in a row using TT. Couldn't find a number, several days, to raise the advisor I invoke every year for the few remaining errors. The "customer service" number ending 8848 just circled dumb-down on every word prompt and kept insisting to send me a text or e-mail link relating to what it thought it heard. I was hissing after 10 call-tries to that number.   After 3 days finishing taxes in the CD, I then started from scratch doing the taxes online all over again because forum operators (apparently TT staff, too) told me I could raise an expert or advisor ONLY by doing the online taxes version. Needing the advisor at the end as always, I had no choice.  Then, the "quality": It was apparent at the 1st invoke of an online "expert," (now doing the return online), everything was different, and I noted sub par must be the new norm, so I recited to this new norm "expert" past experiences with advisors who knew exactly what to do, and which box to fill. The online "expert" simply didn't know much or where stuff really goes; consequently couldn't steer me on errors.  At that point I was informed any "expert" was simply not an advisor, but, miraculously, after these new 6 days wasted, I was given a number to try raise the other side: real advisors. By noon, the distinction between "experts" and "advisors" went through the floorboards, and someone else was correcting my earlier ear from an expert, now saying ALL TT staff are experts and advisors. So you can't count on info or definition raising a smoother tomorrow. (Look out below - I mean ahead!) Anyway, I've never hired outside CPAs or advisors. TT always had them there for 20 years - my errors never took much of their time - over for the year, one time thing.


I'm curious what closeted broker you've got that is not listed for the importing?


Got curious and thought I call that dumb-down number ending 8848 one more time. "What can I help you with?" says the bot. I was going to beat them this time with a ploy. Ask for billing - nobody can resist something to do with $ - then tell them in billing to spirit me to an advisor.


Bot voice wants to text or e-mail me some more junk was all it could do again. Pure scum, this one.


TT, please spank yourself thoroughly for that no-help "customer service" number insult. You botched it a bit too much this year with that filth-o-number.