
Would adding a portion of this expense then be beneficial in at least bringing down how much of that Pell Grant can be taxed? If so, would it be better for me to add up these two purchases ($1,549.2) and write off a portion of that for my business use and a portion for school use? If I then do 20% of that total for business, it's $309.98 and, say, 40% for school (I use 40-50% of my PC for school use), it's $619.97. The remaining 40% or so usage is for personal use and therefore wouldn't write that remaining $ off.

Edit: For your last reply, I'll add that I plan on completing college next year, in (hopefully) spring 2025. I have only used Hazlewood to pay my tuition all this time and will for the remaining time. I have not claimed the AOTC once in my time thus far. I mainly just want to lower the amount of the Pell that will be taxed.