Level 15


Q. My employer will cover 5,250 direct pay not tax, but anything after that will be taxable. Can I get a credit any of it? 

A. Yes. Up to $10,000 of tuition, each year, paid with after tax money (whether you regular income or an "employer grant") is eligible for the Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC), which is 20% of the amount paid.  So, essentially you get most of that tax back.


Q. Is it worth it to still go to school if I will have to pay taxes on the extra amount?

A. Yes.


Q. Would I avoid paying less taxes if I choose the option for reimbursement for the money after 5,250 annual.

A. There is no option.  What you describe is the standard employer plan, per IRS rules (the first $5250 is tax free; anything over is taxable income.