
I am having the same problem. I was told to enter 1098 T information on both parent and student tax return by TT.  Neither return  mentioned additional income. Both returns were filed. I then figured something was not right and did research.  I called TT and support person told me to amend both returns. I was told to delete the 1098T from the student and add income to the parent return. I amended the student return and deleted the form and filed the amended return. When I was in the process of amending the parent return I had the pop-up of stating that by name the student had to report income with an amount on their return! I got another TT support person on the phone and could not show them what I saw because now when I went back it was not there and again did not state any income was to be added.  I was advised that the income was to be reported on the parents return and to wait until the refund was received before amending. Once the call was over I received an email from the same person now stating the opposite that the income is the students responsibility. I am so very frustrated and do not know where to turn.