Level 15


Q. : Can I be claimed as a dependent  if I paid for (more than)  half my living expenses (support)?

A. Simple answer: no.  If you paid for more than half, then no other taxpayer could have paid for more than half. So, whether we're looking at the support requirement for a qualifying child or the support requirement for a qualifying relative, the answer is still no.


But taxes aren't simple. It depends on the source(s) of the funds that were used to pay your support. Scholarships are not considered as support provided by you. Student loans, co-signed by the parent are not support by you. 529 plans, where the parent is the owner are not self support.


Then we get into what costs are support ("living expenses"). Tuition is support. The home you live in is support.


So for a more specific answer, provide details about how you supported yourself and what you are calling living expenses.