
Yes those are additional 1098-T amounts so that total is correct.

My son had a job where he earned $836 with $17 taken out for federal income tax.  He didn't receive a W-2 which i was concerned about but seems like he didn't receive one because it was below a certain amount?

Do I need to track this down?


Turbo Tax asked me what amount of scholarship money had been used to pay room and board.  I put $3348 (14420-11071) at his main school.  

When I had put the 1099-Q into Turbo Tax his taxes were very high.  I knew we would be taxed on the scholarship amount that I withdrew but it seemed really high.  Is that normal?  Would it be better for me not to claim the $4000 AOC than have it on his taxes? My tax rate is low.  I am a widow with only investment income.


I don't understand how I would report "More taxable scholarship and less taxable 529 plan distribution." How do I do that? 


So sorry that I'm confused.  Thank you so much for your help.  And Happy July 4th!!! 

I may not have access to the computer over the weekend but I will get back to you at the beginning of the week!