
I can honestly say I have not recieved a letter this year. I know 2 years ago they took my refund as well. I just assumed offset is the same as garnishment of someones paycheck or tax return. I just figured when they said they were gonna suspend collections and garnishments that meant everything and because they garnished (took my taxes) the past 2 years I figured because of the new policy stating, "if filed after 3/13/2020 you would get your refund because of crisis", I would get mine as well. I am guessing if anyone that has had defaulted student loans no matter what does not get their refund no matter when they filed. This may just apply to only new people going into default. Other than that I am clueless because I did not file until after the date stated so I guess I never had a chance of getting mine.

Just asking then who does this apply to are help? I mean if they are suppose to suspend all collection and garnishment then then wouldn't that mean there would have to be a collection order or offset in place and that should be suspended?