Returning Member


As far as I can tell, the content on that link doesn't actually contain answers to any of my questions. To put it as briefly as possible, my questions are:


  1.  Does the $13,057 included in Box 5 for "Scholarships (tuition and fees)" and "Tuition waivers and exemptions"—which was paid to the school and I never received—count as "tax free employer provided assistance"?
  2. If it doesn't count as "tax free employer provided assistance," do I need to report the full amount included in Box 5 ($28,314 = $13,057 + $15,257), or just the amount that wasn't designated for "Scholarships (tuition and fees)" and "Tuition waivers and exemptions"? 
  3. If I do need to report the full amount included in Box 5, given that $13,057 of that amount was listed for "Scholarships (tuition and fees)" and "Tuition waivers and exemptions," should I select "this is not what I paid to this school" and then add that $13,057 to the $12,812.62 included in Box 1 for a total of $25,869.62 and report that total as "the full amount of tuition paid to [my university]," including "all amounts paid by you, someone else, scholarships, fellowships and student loans"?