
assuming your daughter is also your claimed dependent, the 1098-T goes on your income tax return.  There is a phase out that begins at $160,000 (joint) and ends at $180,000, so if you income is higher than that, there is no benefit. (*)


Assuming you got no benefit because of the limitations above AND the Box 1 - Box 5 amount on the1098-T EXCEEDS the Box 1 amount on the 1099Q, there is no need to put the 1099Q on your tax form as the Box 2 earnings are not taxable.  Just keep good records of why you did what you did.


(*) if your income is less than that and there is no impact on your taxes, the must be a question you answered incorrectly or did not complete.  in the download / desktop version go to Forms view and look at your daughters line and the indented line under her name - are all the questions answered?