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To enter Form 1098-T:

  1. Open or continue your return, if you're not already in it.
  2. Search for 1098T and select the Jump to link at the top of the search results.
  3. Select Yes on the Do you want to enter your higher education expenses? screen.
  4. On the Your Education Expenses Summary screen, select Add A Student.
  5. Select the name of your student (this could be you, your spouse, or a dependent) and Continue.
  6. Answer some questions about the student and then you'll reach the Did [student] get a 1098-T from [school] for 2019? screen. Select Yes and Continue.
  7. Enter the information from your 1098-T on the next screen. When you're finished, select Continue

After you enter your 1098-T, we'll ask some additional questions, including whether the student had other expenses (books, supplies, equipment) and financial aid.

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