I will not have a 1098-t, although I took credit courses from a regionally accredited college. How do I claim what I paid?

In 2020, I took several courses from Portage Learning online college. It is regionally accredited and the courses I took were all credit courses. Those credit courses were transferred to my local community college (for my medical lab Associate Degree Program).


I found the following description on the Portage learning website: "Portage courses are offered as individual courses. Portage does not award a degree or certificate; therefore, according to the IRS, Portage Learning is not eligible to issue a 1098-T for tuition paid."


My question is: Can I still claim my tuition paid to Portage learning? The above text only said I will not receive a 1098 T, but it did not clearly tell me whether I can still get an education tax credit...


Please advise and thanks!