
Your rate depends on your city in Alaska.  Please check Per Diem for Alaska and Other States and Countries, look for your city and you will get your per diem rate.  In order to enter please follow the steps below;

Here's how to enter your per diem in TurboTax:

  1. Open your return if it's not already open and search for this exact phrase: job expenses, employee (include the comma and space) and then click the "Jump to" link in the search results.
  2. On the Tell Us About the Occupation You Have Expenses For screen, enter your occupation (Truck Driver, Airline Pilot, etc.) and click Continue.
  3. On the Do Any of These Uncommon Situations Apply to John's Job? screen, check the You are in the transportation industry checkbox and click Continue.
    • On the next few screens, you'll be asked about home office expenses, mileage, and other topics. Answer those questions as appropriate.
  4. Eventually, you'll come to the Any Other Expenses? screen. On this screen, enter your unreimbursed per diem in the field Meal expenses covered by Department of Transportation rules.

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