Business & farm

I just finished filing 2021 on extension using Turbotax Delux. This is my first year having a SMLLC. It made me fill out form 568 manually with nothing auto-filled except total income on line 1, and no help or instructions for the rest of the fields.  I had to go to the FTB website and manually search & pull instructions, tables & worksheets. When complete Turbotax said it would not e-file the form and that I had to print & mail it AFTER obtaining an e-file exemption from the FTB, because I had a depreciation/amortization (and one other thing I can't remember now) off a list of about 12 things which Turbotax gave at the bottom of the form as items which would mean it couldn't/wouldn't e-file the form. After doing some checking it seems that it's the same in the Self-Employed and Home & Business versions as well, so glad I didn't waste money upgrading. Will Turbotax have this fixed for 2022?