New Member

Where do I carryover box-1 ordinary income loss from my k1 since I don't have enough tax basis this year to claim it all?

I receive a k1 for my llc multi-member business.  This year I have approx. (80,000) loss in box-1 ordinary income.  However, I only have about 20,000 in tax basis in my business, so I can only claim a (20,000) loss this year and I need to "keep" the other (60,000) loss to be used in subsequent years should I obtain more tax basis, then.  Where do I input that remaining (60,000) loss so that TurboTax so that it can be carried over?  This is not a capital loss (not a loss on investments - I have that, too), but rather an ordinary income loss from box-1 on my k1.