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Can NOL year be amended due to next prior year NOL carryover and also the prior NOL year

2015 is an NOL Year with large loss due RE Rental, and so is the next prior year 2014. Using two separate IRS form 1045 Sch A (to compute NOL amount) and Sch B for carryover amount (unused loss amount) for year 2015 and 2014, there are unused losses from both NOL years to be carried over, that is to carryover unused loss into 2014 (for 2015 carryover loss) and unused carryover loss into 2015 (for 2014 carryover loss). Since carryover must not skip any year, AS I UNDERSTAND. Is it correct to amend the NOL years themselves even though they should be skipped per IRS Pub. 536 example (shows one NOL year).

Thank you so much for your answer 4/6/17.