Business & farm


Very strange - yes, I have all 4 as general partners and individual entities, but it's putting them on the limited partner line.  The only thing that I can think of that is different is that this is a final 1065 with final Schedule K-1's. 


I was actually going to ask a separate question about final schedule K-1's because the program only marks the "Final K-1" box if you select that the partner "left" the company this year, and then you have no option to enter partnership percentages and the end result will be 0% ownership.  So, you have to set up all partners like they are continuing, add their GP checkmark, domestic partner checkmark, percentages, THEN go back in to edit the partner and mark that they left the company.  I wonder if this strange dependency cases the loss to fall on the limited partner line of the schedule K.  I can't think of any other special circumstances.