Business & farm

I am not sure what anyone has been told, however, Ohio does not have a per se partnership tax return.

What Ohio does have are returns for nonresident partners; Form IT-1140 withholding and the IT-4708.  Having said that, I don't know the timing of these forms for TT or if they are even available through TT.

The IT-1140 is the form that withholds and remits Ohio withholding on nonresident partners.  The partners then must file an individual Ohio tax return and claim their respective withholdings on that return.

The IT-4708 is an Ohio composite tax return.  Here the partnership files this return and pays the tax for those nonresident partners included.  With this filing, the nonresident partners do not have to file a separate individual Ohio tax return.

Here is a link to some FAQ's on the above forms:

Partnerships doing business in Ohio may need to file the Ohio CAT return.  This form must be completed online through the Ohio web portal.

*A reminder that posts in a forum such as this do not constitute tax advice.
Also keep in mind the date of replies, as tax law changes.