Employee Tax Expert

Business & farm

If you're using TurboTax Desktop, go to FORMS, then open form IT-225.  When viewing the form, choose Delete Form at the bottom.


If you're using TurboTax Online, in the left-side menu, choose Tools > Tax Tools, then Delete a Form from the pop-up menu.  


When you see the list of forms, scroll down to New York forms and find IT-225, and choose DELETE at the far right.


If the form repopulates after deleting, there is probably info coming into it from your Federal return, or elsewhere in your NY return.


Please follow the instruction below to clear your Form IT-225 error:


  1. Go to your New Your return.
  2. Continue through the screens until you get to a page titled, Changes to Federal Income.
  3. Scroll down to the section Other New York adjustments to federal income and click Start next to Other Changes (adjustments) to your federal income.
  4. Delete any entries on the next two screens (including any zeros). 









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