Business & farm

Sorry, no, that is non-responsive. I checked the forms update table three weeks ago (not inside the desktop app) and it said it would be available 02/14/2024. But when I checked the same web page today, it was inexplicably changed to 02/21/2024. I signed up to be notified when it was available by email but they never send me an email saying the update was delayed. I have ZERO confidence they will make the new and improved date. I just got off the phone with Intuit customer service and they claimed it affected all their products including the online version and that, if 02/21/2024 came and went without the updated form, I would just have to "be patient." Sorry. Wrong answer.  Someone in senior levels of Intuit management needs to step up right now and intervene to provide immediate support for the thousands (or even millions) of TurboTax customers whose returns are being held ransom due to inexplicable software defects. At the very least, they need to send am informative broadcast email to all those who signed up for updates of this form as to what the TRUTH of the issue is and what is being done to fix it. I deserve to know if I need to jump ship from TurboTax after using it every year for most of my adult life, but certainly the last 25 years.