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How does the tax impact change of HSA payroll contribution vs. self contribution?

My employer will allow me to adjust my HSA contribution throughout the year, but will only allocate the new amount evenly over the remaining paychecks for the year (my employer does not make any company contributions, unfortunately).  For various reasons I would like to do a large self contribution up front and then have $0 contributions the remainder of the year.   If I make my own large contribution up front, do I end up losing out on tax benefits in the end?  I understand that by not having it done via payroll I don't get the immediate tax benefits.  However, don't I essentially make up for that when I file my year end taxes?  I have read that I would miss out on payroll tax deductions completely (FICA, medicare, etc), but I'm thinking it's not missing out, but rather delayed (putting the time value of money aside).