Deductions & credits

This is the data for line 1i and 1l for hypothetical return if you had the right click feature.  

Line 1i, columns A, B and C:
If any of the income included on Line 1h for this country on this copy of the Foreign Tax Credit Worksheet is section 1250 recapture income (subject to a maximum 25% rate), enter the amount of such income here.

Form 1116 (COPY 1) -- Foreign Tax Credit Comp Wks : Adjusted QDI income
Line 1l, columns A, B and C:
If the Foreign Qualified Dividends and/or Capital Gains Adjustment Smart Worksheet checkbox is not checked, from Line 1f.

Otherwise, from Line 1g, plus the result of one of the following calculations, depending on whether the Schedule D Tax Worksheet or the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet is used:

If Schedule D Tax Worksheet is used.
 - Line 1j multiplied by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 40, divided by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 11a. The result is multiplied by .7071.
 - Line 1j multiplied by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 11a minus line 40, divided by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 11a.
 - Line 1i multiplied by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 37, divided by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 11b. The result is multiplied by .6313.
 - Line 1i multiplied by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 11b minus line 37, divided by the Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 11b.
 - Line 1h minus line 1i minus line 1j, with the result multiplied by the following ratio:
 -- Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 31, multiplied by .5051, plus
 -- Sch D Tax Worksheet, line 28, multiplied by .3788.
 -- The sum of the above two lines is divided by the sum of Sch D Tax Worksheet, lines 20, 28, and 31. The result is the ratio to be used. If the sum of lines 20, 28, and 31 is 0, the ratio is defined as 1.
NOTE: With the exception of the last line for how to calculate the ratio, the result of any calculation which has a 0 as a denominator is defined as 0.

Schedule D Tax Worksheet Line 40


Schedule D Tax Worksheet Line 11a


Schedule D Tax Worksheet Line 37


Schedule D Tax Worksheet Line 11b


Schedule D Tax Worksheet Line 31


Schedule D Tax Worksheet Line 28


Schedule D Tax Worksheet Line 20


If Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet is used.
 - Line 1h multiplied by the following ratio:
 -- Qualified Dividend/Capital Gain Wksht, line 22, multiplied by .5051, plus
 -- Qualified Dividend/Capital Gain Wksht, line 19, multiplied by .3788.
 -- The sum of the above two lines is divided by the sum of the Qualified Dividend/Capital Gain Wksht, lines 11, 19, and 22. The result is the ratio to be used. If the sum of lines 11, 19, and 22 is 0, the ratio is defined as 1.

Qualified Dividend and Capital Gain Tax Line 22


Qualified Dividend and Capital Gain Tax Line 19


Qualified Dividend and Capital Gain Tax Line 11


NOTE: Calculated result may be adjusted by up to $2 to allow columns A, B, and C to add up to the Total column after accounting for rounding.


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