Schedule NC K-1 D403 related question

I have a Schedule K-1 form 1065 which has PART 3, box 13 (Other deductions) showing an amount of 27 with code AE.

When i go to file my NC state return and run a Smart Check, it says "NC P K-1 D-403 : Deduct from inc (loss)must be equal to your entry on NC K-1 Owner or Beneficiary's share of NC deductions worksheet line 41 Col A. I have filled the amount shown in column 13 in line 3 of this form. When i hit 'Continue', it shows me this message:

"NC P K-1 D-403 - NC P K-1 Deds: Total other deductions must be equal to your entry on NC K-1 Partner's share of NC, Income , Adjustments, and Credits Worksheet line 3."However, it does not allow me to add any number on the form shown.

What can I do?
