Deductions & credits

Sounds good and thank you for the link.  I'll take a look and see how it is. In the end I may just do it through Turbo Tax and keep things organized under one platform.  Looks like I'm almost ready to file, just have to go over things one more time.  Oh, and I did want to ask you about one last thing called QBI (Qualified Business Income) deduction. I reviewed the three criteria areas (1. must be a business, 2. US Based, and 3. Income must not be "wages") on Turbo Tax to determine if my small business qualifies for the deduction.  It's number 3 that's confusing to me.  How could "wages" not be part of income.  Unless I'm misunderstanding term "wages" for my situation.  I read that "wages" is meant for a C-Corps or other forms of businesses, like foreign currency gains, capital gains, property, etc...  The article read that the QBI deduction is primarily for small businesses, self-employee "pass-through" income. Since I'm a small business taxed as an S-Corps and it is pass-through to my personal income tax return I should select "Yes, this income is QBI" to the question correct.  Thank you.