Level 15
Level 15

Deductions & credits

@elyoungnc , please provide more info on this situation.

(a) are you a US person  ( citizen/GreenCard ) ?  Is it just you or the family ?

(b) Which  foreign country are you talking about?

(c) When did you leave the US, when you entered the foreign country and when did you leave the foreign country and when entered the US again?

(d)  During your stay in the foreign country were you employed by the US ( or its  arms/ functions ) or by local entity/ govt ?

(e) why did you choose  " bona fide resident" rather than the physical presence  requirements ?

(f) If you are not a citizen of US , which country are you a citizen of ?


Please answer my questions ( if it is too intrusive, then you can PM me  -- just no Personally Identifiable  Information ) and I will circle back.


Is there more  that I can help you with ?