Deductions & credits

Per the IRS:

You can include in medical expenses amounts you pay for transportation to another city if the trip is primarily for, and essential to, receiving medical services. You may be able to include up to $50 for each night for each person. You can include lodging for a person traveling with the person receiving the medical care. For example, if a parent is traveling with a sick child, up to $100 per night can be included as a medical expense for lodging. Meals aren't included. See Lodging, earlier.


1.) Surgeon fee of $30K? - this was all paid in 2024 YES

* 2.) 18 nights of lodging at $50 per person (2 people X $50 X 18 nights) totaling $1800 YES–for the person receiving care and one travel companion/support person

* 3.) Our airfare? YES–for the person receiving care and one travel companion/support person

* 4.) Car Rental Fee and/or mileage and/or tolls?  You can use the standard mileage rate of 22 cents per mile, or your actual expenses. You can add tolls and parking to either method.  

5.) Other? Prescribed medications, prescribed physical therapy or rehab, other normal medical expenses.


You can't include meals in your lodging cost, that's limited to $50 per day for up to 2 people.