Level 15
Level 15

Deductions & credits

@gmangesh , @BME , IMHO, you two have similar predicament but the cause and hence the path forward may be totally different.  I hope I am interpreting this correctly  ( without having the total picture :(


@gmangesh , your issue i.e. not being able to use the  FTC  is because  the FTC is a NON-Refundable credit and thus  can ONLY reduce  your total tax liability up to zero.  So in your case because your  tax liability was already zero, FTC benefits are nil and lost.  The only corrective action here is to  refuse the  "simple method" of FTC and force the use of  form 1116.  This will recognize the whole credit  -- dollar for dollar.  But because  the allowable would be zero ( no tax liability without regard to  FTC ) , the whole amount would be available for carry back or carry forward.  Hopefully then you can use it in another year.

@BME , in your case because  from 1116   creates a very small ( rounded to zero )  FTC and assuming that  your tax liability is not zero, you can use the simplified method and force the system  to use the safe harbor process.  If that is not beneficial to you then you can always  ( because you are using  windows desk top version ) you can go to forms mode and  include the total FTC   ( over-ride ) on the federal  carry-over worksheet.  This should not affect your current return and be eligible for e-file.   Just make sure that next year when you prepare  your return  that the federal information  worksheet shows the carry-over information.


I hope this  helps .   Is there more I can do for you ?

