Form 8962 incorrect FPL used for family size 2

Hello experts,


I was modeling different tax scenarios when I discovered a peculiarity with form 8962.  With a family size of 2 the FPL on line 4 is $17,420 which is 2021 FPL number.  I expected it to be $18,310 for a family of 2 for 2022. After all, I'm modeling 2022 tax year.   This is important because the threshold for 400% FPL is lower and thus the repayment limitation of $2,800 goes away with a lower AGI.


I'm up to date with my software.  Can anyone give me a reason why FPL for Turbo Tax calculation is $17,420 and not $18,310 as I would expect.


Thanks for any input provided.
