Deductions & credits

See my income was more this tax year than it was in 2019.. Uh I'm so confused and frustrated over this 🤷🏼‍♀️ If I already received my EIC on my tax refund this year then why would the IRS send a letter after I already filed and recieved my refund, saying that I didn't claim my EIC? It told me to fill out the paper to see if I was eligible. From what the letter had me fill out, it clearly said I was eligible! I have one child who is under 18 whom I care for all year long. I file head of house hold. From what I read and understood from the IRS website I should be getting $2000-3000 back for the EIC that wasn't claimed on my 2022 taxes! I don't know?  A girl I worked with has 6 kids all under the age 18. Hmm yea but anyways her refund was $14,000!!!!!! I kid you not! How do I get a hold of the IRS to ask them this because everytime I call I never get through to anyone? The automated lady tells me to choose an option but my situation isn't listed as an option. I think she asked if I received a letter from the IRS press 1 and so I do but then she talks about if I owe money to the IRS which I don't. Then I get mad and hang up! I think I just give up. Thanks for the help everyone!! Very kind of you 🥰

Please stay safe in this crazy world we live in now days!✌🏻💜