Deductions & credits

Two F-ing hours later on a call with TT, this is their response:


  • "Because there is a workaround to enter 1099 forms in a summary fields, we will not create a case for this."

This is ridiculous. I paid money to get Premier specifically for the integrations with E*Trade so all of my transactions are imported and I don't have to worry about incorrectly entering data. E*Trade is LITERALLY one of the displayed logos when you click "Import" (see below). Yet the integration is broken and TT refuses to create a ticket acknowledging that this is a bug.


What did I pay for then? If I wanted to manually enter my taxes I would have gotten a pen and paper like it was 1980.


When you call the rep says "I don't see a case for this", but when they see that there is a bug they say "we can't create a case because there is a workaround". This is some chicken and egg BS! How will anything get fixed if you don't admit it is broken in the first place. To my knowledge there is no way to see if this is being worked on or when it will be fixed. I will be using another tax service and asking for a refund as this is absurd.

