Deductions & credits

@camille22 wrote:

It was a QDRO in every aspect but for some reason the 401K disbursement. It included everything from child support, visitation rights and disbursement of marital property. My lawyer fought with them for over 4 years on this, but they won't accept QDRO for a legal separation. I was paying more in lawyer costs than the total amount of the QDRO.


My state recognizes a legal separation, but the state that the plan administrator is legally operating in, does not. Not sure if I worded that correctly. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard stone and am going to try and find a resolution to this by year end. 


My ex waited for 6 years while I was fighting this and it got to the point where he was refusing to pay for my daughter's college if he didn't get his share.


Well, although the plan administrator would not accept the QDRO, you can still fight the tax assessment, because the IRS has their own rules and might accept your argument.  Good luck.