Returning Member

Deductions & credits

Excellent response thank you, turbo tax did ask but did not refer me to the 8949 schedule-d and the IRS return is a PO box, in retrospect the fax # is the best way to respond with my letter of explantion, still I do not trust their response times. I did not ignore the questions I met all the gains exemptions and just did a faux amendement to make sure I went through everything correctly.  The 7200 is a quote that it might take to litigate the mess not to file an amendment, which is better than the astronomical amount compared to what the IRS says I owe. I'm seeing a different attorney today for another quote furthermore the IRS isn't taking calls there is nobody to talk to it is all automated.  Another thing is the IRS didn't send me anything in 2020 I received it in Sept 2021 yet all the charges for penalties and interst are associated with the entire time frame from the time of filing to now.  Brutal. It's okay I'm mitigating the circumsttances to correct being hung out to dry by the title company and turbotax and I do bare the responsibility for not seeking a professional tax service to deal with the first sale of a home that was worth a lot of money. I've used turbo tax for 15 years with no issues unti this one very important glitch