Deductions & credits

One again, thank you for your answer , but it does not address this problem


I am using the desktop version of TurboTax. I was not prompted for the choice of form 1040 or 1040SR.  By default TurboTax chose form 1040, not 1040SR.  As I walked through the process of preparing taxes, the standard deduction for someone 65 or older was calculated CORRECTLY even using form 1040.


Using form 1040 is a VALID choice, form 1040SR is "optional" for seniors ( IRS website ).


I am not asking about choosing between form 1040 or form 1040SR.  I am reporting that there is no information about the calculation for the increased standard deduction for someone 65 or older when you drill down into the worksheets.


As for using form 1040SR, has anyone responding here  who is recommending 1040SR,  filled out form 1040SR and drilled down to get the explanation on how the standard deduction is calculated?  You may get the same result as I did with form 1040.  Should you decide to respond, please try that first.  Even then, TurboTax desktop did not prompt for a choice of forms, and I am not about to sift through TurboTax documentation for a form that is optional and possibly get the same result  I did with form 1040.


My point is still valid and I am requesting an update by TurboTax.