Deductions & credits

Thank you for your reply.  Yes, these show up on the lines you mention above on my 1099-INT which I imported (Fidelity).  However, because I am using an ipad online (also tried with a Mac desktop) I can't see the actual 'forms' view.  Fidelity did not know (on phone for 55 minutes) that the online version doesn't show 'form view' - had to read this myself. Thank Gosh for this forum.

I can see the 'Tax Summary' page and there is a 'total credits' of $557. I have line 11 of $438.54 and line 13 of $1,523.49.  Don't have a way of verifying how much of this is from the bond premiums unless I do the calculations myself.

Does anyone know how to see 'form view' using a mac or ipad?  Thanks you again