New Member

Why is the turbo tax for 2018 asking for charitable deductions in 2017. It should be asking for 2018 deduction not 2017. I believe this is a mistake and needs fixing.

This is a filing for 2018 deductions like charity, etc and should not be asking for my 2017 charitable deductions. I am a retired CPA, BSA, programmer. This is a section of updating you missed. Let me know when it is fixed via your updates so I can continue my program. Right now it will not accept 2018 dates for charitable deductions in this part of the system and is saying everything I enter is for 2017 at the header and only that year on the program in general including my 2018 mortgage deduction although it accepted it because I did not add it with 12-31-18 date or even 1-1-19 but it is showing it as 2017 info for the deductions that should appear for 2018 schedule A stuff. The charitable deductions is where it is absolutely not accepting a date for 2018 which is necessary and this is apparently 2017 general deductions from last year's programming not updated to accomodate 2018. That tells me the programming is locked by date and this whole piece of programming is likely all tying to 2017 still. A GLITCH! And it needs fixing before I can continue. Make sure you check all the dated stuff in this whole piece. I am betting loads of it is tied to 2017, last year's product still. Kind of disappointed in this year's program. Been using it for many, many years. I feel like a beta tester again.