Expert Alumni

Deductions & credits

To indicate that you made a qualified charitable donation AND converted part to a Roth IRA, please follow these steps:


STEP 1.  To get a fresh start, delete the 199-R you've previously entered.

  1. Click on Federal > Wages & Income.
  2. Scroll down to the Retirement Plans and Social Security section and click on the Start/Revisit box next to IRA, 4701(k), Pension Plan Withdrawals (1099-R). 
  3. You will see a screen Your 1099-R Entries.  Click the Delete box next to the 1099-R you entered.

STEP 2.  Enter the 1099-R

  1. On the Your 1099-R Entries screen click the box Add a 1099-R.
  2. Enter the information from the1099-R in the return.  Make sure the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE box below box 7 is marked.
  3. On the screen, About this Retirement Account, mark the radio button, Yes some or all of this was an RMD.
  4. Below the grey line, mark the radio button that part of the distribution was an RMD and enter the amount of your RMD.  [See Screenshot #1 below.]
  5. On the Transfer to Charity? screen, mark the radio button that part of the distribution was transferred to charity.  [Screenshot #2]
  6. On the next screen, How much was sent to charity, enter the amount of the charitable contribution.
  7. On the screen, What Did You Do with the Money from this Payer?  mark the radio button I moved the money to another retirement account  [Screenshot #3]
  8. In the next section select I did a combination of rolling over, converting, etc.
  9. In the bottom section, enter the Amount converted to a Roth IRA account.


Screenshot #1


Screenshot #2


Screenshot #3