Deductions & credits

@Loveleigh124 wrote:

Ok I know all of that but will the IRS ask for proof or is that if I get audited?

Under the law, all your income is assumed to be taxable unless you prove otherwise.  You don't send proof with your tax return, but if audited, you must provide sufficient proof of your expenses or the deduction will be disallowed.


The Instacart app may track your mileage for you.  If not, there are other apps that will track business miles, or you can use a simple paper diary or log book in your car that records the date, place, business purpose, and mileage of each business trip.  If you are "on duty" for several hours at a time (either making deliveries or at the store making up orders) then it may be enough to have the total mileage for the day, as long as you don't mix personal and work trips.