Deductions & credits

Use the Chrome browser

  • Go to Settings, Privacy and Security, Clear Browser Data for all time
  • Go to the three dots at the right hand top of Chrome and select New Incognito Window
  • Sign into TurboTax in the incognito window and ItsDeductible should then work for you.


If you end up taking the standard deduction this year instead of itemized deduction, you can claim up to $300 in charitable cash donations.  Here is how to claim that donation:



  1. Click Deductions and Credits
  2. Select Review/Edit
  3. Click Edit to the right of Standard Deduction ​​Click OK, Sounds Good
  4. Click Wrap Up Tax Breaks
  5. Click Continue
  6. Make sure that $300 is filled in and then click Continue
  7. Click Lets Keep Going