Deductions & credits

I am trying that as well but they are giving me very short answers.  Here's the one that inspired me to ask on here.  They told me:


"In follow up to your questions on the imputed income for your Domestic Partnership, we suggest speaking with your tax advisor for more information on how the Domestic Partner enrollment would apply to your taxes.  


Please let me know if you need anything else."


Following up I asked said I found my pay stub that said that they are paying $505.38 medical and $37.32 for dental per pay period for me and my domestic partner.  Since I am paid twice a month that means they are paying $1,085.4 monthly, but since half of that value is going towards my coverage, the imputed income should be $542.7.  That's the value that I should be paying taxes on monthly right?  Instead they are taking the entire value of the imputed income from my paycheck.  It's like we're paying out of pocket for my partner's coverage.  That can't be right can it?  How could it be "income" if I am paying it? That's not income that's an expense!