Returning Member

Vehicle depreciation, dificult question


For this tax year (2019), in my business tax return, I entered vehicle (a truck) expenses instead of mileage as I have done in previous years but in 2019 my partnership ended (I did not had to enter this info in my partnership return) for this year I'm filing my taxes as sole proprietorship, I don' know how to avoid depreciation for my vehicle since I purchased it back in 2004, at that time I was entering this vehicle (the truck) in my taxes, in 2011, I purchased another vehicle (an electric car) and removed the other vehicle (the truck) , in 2015 or 2016 I removed the electric car from my return and I started using the truck as my buisness vehicle, I did not had to enter depreciation while using the truck in the partnership, I don't know what to enter in this section, I don't want to claim depreciation if possible because I have not done it in the past.

Please help.