Deductions & credits

Box 7 is checked, and it did say: [And I tried it quite a few times checked or unchecked]


Congratulations, you get a tax break.

you are getting a deduction of xxxxx for the mortgage interest you paid.


But after I clicked "Done with deductions", after it did the analyzing, it went to the summary of my 2018 and 2019 deductions & credits. 2018 is there because I imported it. It is clearly comparison. Itemized deduction is 0 for "Mortgage Interests". 


Two differences :

1) last year I used windows version, this year it is Mac version.

2) this year because of refinance (a very regular refinance, no cash out), there are two extra 1098. Just one refinance, but the bank quickly sold it to another one. All have box 7 Checked. 


Is there any software bug here. I also saw other people complaining the same.