Deductions & credits



Thanks for the update.  What does "this week" mean?  Does that mean Friday the 14th, which would agree with what the IRS site is saying now?


When you change dates, don't just remove the form from your list here:


Leave it in the list and say TBA, or something like that.  When it says 2/12 one day and the next day it is just gone, it makes people think TurboTax is not supporting that form anymore.


The calculation for this form is so easy.  You enter a few pieces of information and you receive an additional tax credit, which is added to your refund (So you get either $7,500; $3,750; or $1,875 more - depending on when you bought your car and if the manufacturer has sold 250,000 EV vehicles yet or not).


If you fill out the paper form, it takes about 2 minutes.  So I don't know why it is so hard to add into the software, unless this is a political issue and not a technical issue (i.e. Trump has told the IRS to delay refunds to EV owners as long as possible).  Don't laugh, this could very well be the reason.