I cannot complete my taxes because of this one thing its the motor vehicle form 104AD i do not quailify for this and i want to skip it i do not have any of the proper information to complete this but

i do not want to pay 30 to 40 dollars just to talk to someone for one question everything is set up and ready to file other than this any suggestions?
Expert Alumni

Deductions & credits

If this is causing an error on your state return, there are a couple of different ways to address this. You may have entered vehicle registration expenses on your Federal return that are carrying over to your state. Follow these steps:

  1. Under Federal, click on Deductions & Credits
  2. Under Cars and Other Things You Own, click Start/Revisit next to Car Registration Fees
  3. Any entries made will appear on the next screen. You can click on the trash can icon to the right of the entries
  4. The entry will be deleted. Click Skip for Now

You may also delete any corresponding forms, such as a 104AD that may appear on your state return. Follow these steps:

  1. Under the Tax Tools menu on the right, click on Tools
  2. Click on Delete a Form
  3. Scroll down past the Federal return to your state return, identify the form, click Delete
  4. Confirm that you choose to delete and continue


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Deductions & credits

can you help delete this 

Expert Alumni

Deductions & credits

1) Open your tax return.

2) Go to the left side of the screen and click on Tax Tools, then Tools

3)  From the pop-up Tools Center  menu, select  Delete a form

4) Scroll to find the Form 104AD and Delete it.

5) Scroll to the bottom of the list and hit the button to Continue My Return


That should do it.

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