relocation boosted MAGI: adoption credit carry forward to next year with lower MAGI ?


The attorney for our adopted son said that CPS had classified him as "special needs" and that the full $14k adoption credit was available to us in 2019.  However, we relocated the same year, and my company gave a large relocation benefit, which placed our MAGI into the partial exclusion category for the credit.  My wife an i also have adoption credit carry forward to 2019 for three of our son's siblings adopted in 2018.

My income will be lower in 2020, and below the MAGI limit for the credit.  Will that excluded credit carry forward to 2020 along with the unused credit, or would it be better to not take the credit at all for 2019 so as not to 'lose' what would have been excluded credit?

Thanks very much for the help!!!